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Gaudillière, Jean-Paul (2014). An Indian Path to Biocapital? The Traditional Knowledge Digital Library, Drug Patents, and the Reformulation Regime of Contemporary Ayurveda, East Asian Science, Technology and Society 8(4): 391-415.
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Pordié, Laurent (2014). Learning Institutions in South Asian Medicine, Culture, Medicine & Psychiatry 38(3): 335-339.
Pordié, Laurent; Blaikie, Calum (2014). Knowledge and Skills in Motion. Layers of Tibetan Medical Education in India, Culture, Medicine & Psychiatry 38(3): 340-368.
Pordié, Laurent; Gaudillière, Jean-Paul (2014). Industrial Ayurveda. Drug discovery, reformulation and the market, Asian Medicine 9(1): 1-11 [©2015].
Pordié, Laurent; Gaudillière, Jean-Paul (2014). The Reformulation Regime in Drug Discovery. Revisiting Polyherbals and Property Rights in the Ayurvedic Indisutry, East Asian Science, Technology and Society 8(1): 57-79.
Pordié, Laurent; Hardon, Anita (2015). Drugs' Stories and Itineraries. On the Making of Asian Industrial Medicines, Anthropology & Medicine 22(1): 1-6.
Quet, Mathieu; Pordié, Laurent; Bochaton, Audrey; Chantavanich, Supang; Kiatying-Angsulee, Niyada; Lamy, Marie; Vungsiriphisal, Premjai (2017). Regulation Multiple. Pharmaceutical Trajectories and Modes of Control in the ASEAN, Science, Technology and Society 22(1): in press.