Legal notice
© Globhealth ERC Project
7, rue Guy Môquet - BP 8
94801 Villejuif Cedex - France
Phone : +33 1 49 58 33 86
Editorial director: Jean-Paul Gaudillière
Creator & Webmaster:
Web hosting: CNRS
Globhealth ERC Project makes every effort to ensure, but does not guarantee, the accuracy of the information on its web site. Hyperlinks to other web sites imply neither responsibility for, nor approval of, the information contained in those other web sites on the part of Globhealth ERC Project.
All rights reserved.
This information may be freely used and copied for educational and other non-commercial purposes, provided that any reproduction of data be accompanied by an acknowledgement of Globhealth ERC Project as the source (© Globhealth ERC Project).
This does not apply to the pages and images with explicitely reserved reproduction right : © followed by the right owner and the year of first circulation. Reproduction of the latter requires prior authorization from the Globhealth ERC Project for the pages and the images.
Privacy Policy
The only information that Globhealth ERC Project obtains about a user to its Site is information supplied voluntarily by the user. This means that you can visit the Globhealth ERC Project Site without identifying who you are or revealing any information about yourself. Some Globhealth ERC Project programs or services may request specific user information, such as name and email address, and the user may decide whether to voluntarily supply that information. According to the law n° 78-17 "Informatique et Libertés/software and freedoms", you have the right to access the information as well as to rectify and delete data that concerns you personally on this site.
Personal Data
The Globhealth website uses the Google Analytics statistical tool to measure the audience of the site. You can disable this tool by using the Google Analytics Deactivation Module.
The Globhealth website agrees not to disclose to third parties the information that the user communicates to him. These are confidential and will only be used for the purposes of the service.